Luis A. Castro

Researcher in Human-Computer Interaction



  • Jennifer A. Rode, Luis A. Castro, Varun Viswanath, Maria Concepcion Valdez Gastelum, Afra Mashhadi, Monica Tentori, Kristof Van Laerhoven, and Nadir Weibel. 2025. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UbiComp/ISWC: Best Practices for Accessible and Equitable Computing Conferences. Commun. ACM 68, 2 (February 2025), 64–73.
  • Valtierra, L., Villavicencio-Navarro, J., Perez, C.B., Castro, L.A., Esquer, A., Ramirez, MI. (2025). Design Sprint Methodology for Developing a Mobile App for Real-Time Remote ECG. In: Flores Cuautle, J.d.J.A., et al. XLVII Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. CNIB 2024. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 117. Springer, Cham.
  • 2024

  • Carlos Ramón Galindo-Lopez, Jessica Beltrán, Cynthia B. Perez, Karina Caro, Adrian Macias, Luis A. Castro. (in press) Deep Learning-Based Action Classification for Parents and Children with Down Syndrome in Educational Settings. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. (Accepted)
  • Francisco J. Gutierrez, Laura S. Gaytán-Lugo, Gustavo Lopez, Heloisa Candello, Adriana S. Vivacqua, Marisol Wong-Villacres, Carla F. Griggio, Luis A. Castro, Saiph Savage, Claudia Lopez, Cleidson R. B. de Souza (2024). Fostering Latin American-Centric CSCW Research and Practice. CSCW Companion '24: Companion Publication of the 2024 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (pp. 740-743).
  • Mario O. Parra, Jesus Favela, Luis A. Castro, Daniel Gatica-Perez. (2024). Towards Wine Tasting Activity Recognition for a Digital Sommelier. ICMI Companion '24: Companion Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. Pages 108 - 112
  • Gámez-Elizalde, A. and Castro, L.A. 2024. Social Battery as a Design Metaphor: Crafting Wearable Devices to Share the Willingness to Socialize. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. 9, 1 (Nov. 2024), 56–64. DOI:
  • Leonardo Gutierrez, Mario Parra, Luis A. Castro, Oresti Banos. (2024). A Mobile Application for Mexican Youth Alcohol Interventions: A Formative Evaluation. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. 9, 1 (Nov. 2024), 65–71. DOI:
  • Ramos Cruz, R.A. and Castro, L.A. 2024. TikTok Videos on Customer Experience Related to Product and Service Quality. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. 9, 1 (Nov. 2024), 154–162. DOI:
  • Adrian Macias, Luis Castro. Karina Caro. 2024. A formative evaluation of human activity recognition technology for parent-child interactions. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. 9, 1 (Nov. 2024), 91–98. DOI:
  • Arturo Morales Tellez, María Concepción Valdez Gastelum, Yanitza Ramirez Stambor, Luis A. Castro and Monica Tentori. (2024). How to design adaptive systems to improve stress management using artificial intelligence . Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora. 9, 1 (Nov. 2024), 99–103. DOI:
  • Mario Parra, Jesus Favela, Luis A. Castro. (2024) A Digital Sommelier to Enhance Multisensory Wine Tasting. 2024 ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX 2024). IMX in Latin America (IMX-LATAM). May 29-31, 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Iván A. Encinas-Monroy, Jessica Beltran, Luis H. Sánchez, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Adrián Macías, Cynthia. B. Pérez, Manuel Domitsu. (2024). Young adults' Instagram posts and depressive moods: A study in Mexico in the Wild. Computación y Sistemas, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2024, pp. 553–575.
  • 2023

  • Nelson Montoya, Cynthia B. Perez, Luis A. Castro, Eddie Clemente. Exploring Optimal Parameter Combinations for Genetic Programming in Robot Trajectory Generation. (2023) 2023 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC 2023). 11-13 Sep, 2023, Guanajuato, Mexico
  • Leonardo J. Gutierrez, Luis A. Castro, Oresti Banos. (2023). Technology-Based EMIs for Alcohol Use Disorder: Challenges and Opportunities in the Mexican Context. UbiComp/ISWC '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing, October 2023, Pages 658–663
  • Alberto Angulo, Jessica Beltran, Luis A. Castro. (2023). Human activity recognition for packing processes using CNN-biLSTM. UbiComp/ISWC '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing, October 2023, Pages 439–444
  • Antonio Garcia-Macias, Luis A. Castro, Marisol Wong-Villacres. (2023). The Case for a Research Agenda in ICT for the Latin American Region. UbiComp/ISWC 2023 UbiComp4All (Non archival)
  • Arturo Morales, María Concepcion Valdez-Gastelum, Luis A. Castro, Monica Tentori. (2023). Evaluating the Effect of the Color-Word Stroop Test and VR as a Psychological Stressor. UbiComp/ISWC '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing, October 2023, Pages 93–97
  • Mario O. Parra, Luis A. Castro, Jesus Favela. (2023). Enhancing Well-being Through Food: A Conversational Agent for Mindful Eating and Cooking. UbiComp/ISWC '23 Adjunct: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing, October 2023, Pages 423–427
  • Valdez C., Alvarez-Molina, K., Castro, LA.,Tentori, ME. (2023). Zens: Designing and evaluating a movement sonification interface to alter body and flexibility perception in Yoga. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
  • Morales, A., Castro, LA.,Tentori, ME. (2023). Developing and evaluating a Virtual Reality Game using Biofeedback for Stress Management in Sports. Interacting with Computers.
  • Angulo-Landeros, A., Beltran, J., Castro, LA. (2023). Reconocimiento de acciones de empaquetado usando redes CNN-biLSTM y optimización bayesiana. (2023). Research in Computing Science. Issue 152(8). pp. 275–288
  • Valdez C., Alvarez-Molina, K., Castro, LA.,Tentori, ME. (2023). The Doppler Effect: Altering Pitch to Materialize Movement Direction in Yoga. CHI 2023 Workshop on Body X Materials
  • 2022

  • Zarifis, A., Castro, LA. (2022). The NFT Purchasing Process and the Challenges to Trust at Each Stage. Sustainability.
  • Leonardo J. Gutierrez, Luis A. Castro and Oresti Banos. (2022) "Challenges and Opportunities for Designing Technology-Based Ecological Momentary Interventions (EMIs) in Mental Health". 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2022). Nov 29th- Dec 2nd, 2022. Córdoba, Spain.
  • Mario Parra, Jesus Favela and Luis A. Castro. (2022). "Design and Evaluation of a Smart Environment with a Conversational Agent for Mindful Eating". 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2022). Nov 29th- Dec 2nd, 2022. Córdoba, Spain.
  • Galindo-López, C. R., Beltrán, J., Pérez, C. B., Macias, A., & Castro, L. A. (2022, August). Classifying interactions of parents and children with Down syndrome in educational environments using deep learning. In 2022 IEEE Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE Press.
  • Carlos R. Flores-Carballo, Gabriel A. Molina-Arenas, Adrian Macias, Karina Caro, Jessica Beltran, Luis A. Castro. (2022). Speaker identification in interactions between mothers and children with Down syndrome via audio analysis: A case study in Mexico. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
  • Leonardo J. Gutierrez, Luis A. Castro, Oresti Banos. (2022). Integrating pervasive technologies into mental health services: A qualitative study in Mexico. IEEE Pervasive.
  • Ramon Palacio, Gilberto Cordova, Luis A. Castro, Gilberto Borrego. (2022). Profession-centric measures and indicators for occupational stress: An empirical study with novice software developers in Mexico. IET Software.
  • 2021

  • Carlos Ramón Galindo López, Luis A. Castro, Cynthia Beatriz Perez Castro, Jessica Beltran. Comparación de técnicas de meditación para la reducción de la ansiedad en adultos: Un estudio empírico en México. 8th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (MexIHC'21). 1-3 Dec, 2021
  • Mario Parra, Luis A. Castro, Jesus Favela. Understanding changes in behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities to design around new eating experiences. 8th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (MexIHC'21). 1-3 Dec, 2021
  • Arturo Morales Téllez, Monica Tentori, Luis A. Castro. Stress Management Training in Athletes: Design Considerations for VR Biofeedback Systems. 8th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (MexIHC'21). 1-3 Dec, 2021
  • Torres-Cruz Maria Monserrat, Castro-Quiroa Luis Adrian, Fuentes-Davila Guillermo, and Feliz Valencia Pedro. 2021. DETERMINATION OF CLIMATIC ZONES OF INFLUENCE IN THE YAQUI AND MAYO VALLEYS, MEXICO. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch 6(4):44-56.
  • Adriana S. Vivacqua, Carla Griggio, Francisco J. Gutierrez, Laura S. Gaytán-Lugo, Luis A. Castro, and Marisol Wong-Villacrés. 2021. Social Computing and Collaborative Work in Latin America and Beyond. Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 368–370. DOI:
  • Luis Parra-Cámara, Luis A. Castro, Cynthia B. Perez, Ramon R. Palacio, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez. (2021). Diseño y evaluación de una herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones relacionada con los datos de COVID-19 en residencias geriátricas. X Latin American Conference on Human Computer Interaction (CLIHC 2021). November 2021
  • Fernando Alfonso Flores Ruelas, Pedro C. Santana-Mancilla, Luis A. Castro, Alberto Paul Ceja Mendoza, José Román Herrera-Morales and Ricardo Acosta-Díaz. Designing a balanced scorecard as support to educational management in higher education institutions. 2021 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC 2021)
  • Banos, O., Castro, LA., Villalonga, C. (2021). Ubiquitous Technologies for Emotion Recognition. Applied Sciences. Editorial. 11(15), 7019.
  • Garcia-Macias, JA., Castro, LA., Serrano, A. (2021). Diverging images of the technoscapes in developing economies. IEEE Computer. July 2021, pp. 18-26, vol. 54.
  • Castro, LA., Bravo, J. (2021). Modeling interactions in ambient intelligence. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Editorial.
  • Castro, LA., Gaytán-Lugo, L.S., Santana-Mancilla, P.C., Herskovic, V., Valderrama Bahamondez, E.C. (2021). Human computer-interaction in Latin America. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Editorial.
  • Parra, MO., Favela, J., Castro, LA.. (2021). "My mind was telling me ‘stay in bed all day… only get up to eat’ ”: Opportunities to design around food from eating behaviors during the pandemic". workshop: The Future of Human-Food Interaction in the CHI 2021 Workshops/Symposia program
  • Banos, O., Rafferty, J., Castro, LA.. (2021)., "Internet of things for health and well-being applications". International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. Editorial.
  • Gutierrez, LJ., Rabbani, K., Oluwashina, A., Gebresilassie, S., Rafferty, J., Castro, LA., Banos, O. (2021). Internet of Things for mental health: Open issues in data acquisition, self-organization, service level agreement, and identity management. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • Morales, A., Cibrian, FL., Castro, LA.., Tentori, M. (2021). "An Adaptive Model to support Biofeedback in AmI environments: A Case Study in Breathing Training for Autism". Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Viridiana Silva-Rodríguez, Sandra E. Nava-Munoz, Luis A. Castro, Francisco E. Martínez-Pérez, Héctor G. Pérez-González, Francisco Torres-Reyes. (2021). "Predicting design patterns for designing explicit interactionsin ambient intelligence systems: A case study", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Hernandez, N., Castro, LA.., Medina, J., Favela, J., Michan, L., Mortenson, B. (2021). "Scoping review in healthcare literature of mobile, wearable, and textile sensing technology for continuous monitoring" Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research.
  • 2020

  • Francisco Lepe-Salazar, Tania Cortés-Álvarez, Silvia Fajardo-Flores, Pedro Santana-Mancilla, Luis Castro-Quiroa (Eds). (2020). Tecnologías para la Inclusión de Estudiantes con Discapacidad. Colima, México: Universidad de Colima. ISBN: 978-607-8549-78-8
  • Adrian Macias, Karina Caro, Luis A. Castro, Jose-Fernando Parra. (2020). "Exploring Player Experience of an Augmented Puzzle and Wearables for Studying Interactions between Parents and Children with Down Syndrome". Pervasive Health 2020, Oct 6-8, 2020, Cyberspace
  • Iván Alejandro Encinas Monroy, Luis Héctor Sánchez Gámez, Jessica Beltrán, Luis A. Castro. “Studying the association of users’ depressed moods and posting on Instagram” Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2020, agosto de 2020
  • Luis A. Castro, Marcela D. Rodríguez (eds.) (2019). "Interacción Humano-Computadora y Aplicaciones en México". CDMX: Academia Mexicana de Computación (ISBN 978-607-98941-1-5), septiembre 2020
  • Caro, K., Encinas-Monroy, IA., Amado-Sanchez, VL., Islas-Cruz, OI., Ahumada-Solorza, EA., Luis A. Castro. (2020). "Using a Gesture-based Videogame to Support Eye-hand Coordination and Pre-literacy Skills of Children with Down Syndrome", Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79, Pp34101–34128.
  • Osuna, E., Rodriguez, LF., Gutierrez-Garcia, JO., Luis A. Castro. (2020). Development of computational models of emotions: A software engineering perspective. Cognitive Systems Research. 60. Pages 1-19
  • Silva, V., Nava-Munoz, SE., Luis A. Castro., Martinez-Perez, FE., Perez-Gonzalez, H., Torres-Reyes, F. (2020). Classifying design-level requirements using Machine Learning for a Recommender of Interaction Design Patterns. IET Software. 9pp.
  • 2019

  • Silva-Rodríguez, V., Nava-Muñoz, SE., Castro, LA., Martínez-Pérez, FE., Pérez-González,HG., Torres-Reyes, F. (2019). Machine Learning Methods for Inferring Interaction Design Patterns from Textual Requirements. Proceedings, 31(1), 26
  • Ramirez, JM., Rodriguez, MD., Andrade, AG., Castro, LA., Beltran, J., Armenta, JS. (2019). Inferring Drivers’ Visual Focus Attention Through Head-Mounted Inertial Sensors. IEEE Access. 7. Pages 185422-185432
  • Felix, IR., Luis A. Castro., Rodriguez, LF., Banos, O. (2019). Mobile Sensing for Behavioral Research: A Component-based Approach for Rapid Deployment of Sensing Campaigns. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 15 (9). Pages 1-17
  • Macias, A., Ramos, J., Valdez, C., Garcia, N., Paez, G., Caro, K., Luis A. Castro. (2019). Mobile monitoring parents’ behaviors for supporting self-management in children with disabilities. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. Pages 1-12
  • Laura P. Lopez-Arredondo, Cynthia B. Perez, Luis A. Castro, Luis-Felipe Rodriguez. (2019). "Estudio sobre la Percepción de los Factores Involucrados en la Estimación de Precios de Viviendas: El Caso de Cajeme". Información Tecnológica. 30 (2)
  • Kathya E. Mercado, Cynthia B. Perez, Luis A. Castro, Adrian Macias. (2019). "Estudio Cualitativo sobre el Comportamiento del Consumidor en las Compras en Línea". Información Tecnológica. 30 (1)
  • Cervantes, LE., Luis A. Castro. (2019) Exploración de sentimientos asociados a sistemas de facturación electrónica. Avances de Investigación en Ingeniería en el Estado de Sonora. 5(1)
  • Torres, MM., Luis A. Castro. (2019). Implementación de un sistema de almacenamiento de datos agroclimáticos para la predicción de cosecha de trigo. Avances de Investigación en Ingeniería en el Estado de Sonora. 5(1)
  • Mancilla-Rojas, B., Luis A. Castro. (2019). Diseño de un tablero de control para la toma de decisiones de productores de limón. Avances de Investigación en Ingeniería en el Estado de Sonora. 5(1)
  • 2018

  • Jesus Ramos-Monteon, Luis A. Castro, Luis-Felipe Rodriguez, Oresti Banos. (2018). "InCense IoT: A Collective Sensing System for Behavior Data in Shared Spaces". MDPI Proceedings 2018, 2(19), 1206;
  • Roberto Aguilar Arredondo, Luis A. Castro, Luis-Felipe Rodriguez. (2018). "Eventos de Vida y su Relación con el Padecimiento de Cáncer de Mama: Un estudio Exploratorio". Avances de Investigación en Ingeniería del Estado de Sonora. Año 4, No. 1. Pages 64-73
  • Sergio Castellanos, Luis-Felipe Rodríguez, Luis A. Castro, Octavio Gutierrez-Garcia. (2018). "A computational model of emotion assessment influenced by cognition in autonomous agents". Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. Vol.25, Aug 2018, Pages 26-36
  • Macias, A., Caro, K., Castro, LA., Domitsu, M. (2018). "ID4IDS Methodology: Toward Inclusive Design for Individuals with Down Syndrome". Workshop on Designing with Diverse Populations: Sharing Experiences, Best Practices, and Opportunities held at PervasiveHealth 2018, New York, USA. May 21-24, 2018
  • Encinas-Monroy, IA., Islas-Cruz, OI., Amado-Sanchez, VL., Ahumada-Solorza, EA., Castro, LA., Caro, K. (2018). "BeeSmart: A Videogame for Supporting Children with Down Syndrome in Eye-hand Coordination and Literacy Skills". Demo paper at PervasiveHealth 2018, New York, USA. May 21-24, 2018
  • Castro, LA., Rodriguez, MD., Martinez, F., Rodriguez, LF., Andrade, AG., Cornejo, R. (in press). "Charting the Past, Present, and Future: Mobile Sensing Research and Development" in Wister-Ovando, MA., Pancardo-Garcia, P., Acosta-Escalante, FD., Hernadez-Nolasco, JA. (eds.): Intelligent Data Sensing and Processing for Health and Well-being Applications. Elsevier
  • Favela, J., Castro, LA. (2018). "Technology and Aging: Ubiquitous Sensing Technology for Aging Research" in Garcia-Peña, C., Gutierrez-Robledo, LM., Perez-Zepeda, MU.: Aging Research Metodological Issues. Springer
  • Pérez, CB., Rodríguez, LF., Castro, LA., Salazar, G. (2018). "Inteligencia de Negocios: Un Enfoque para la Toma de Decisiones Estratégicas en las Organizaciones". Mexico: Pearson
  • Parra, MO., Favela, J., Castro, LA., Morales, A. (2018). "Monitoring Eating Behaviors for a Nutritionist E-Assistant Using Crowdsourcing". IEEE Computer, Vol 51, No. 3. Pages 43-51
  • Kathya E. Mercado, Cynthia B. Perez, Laura P. Lopez-Arredondo, Karina Caro, Luis A. Castro, Luis-Felipe Rodriguez. (2018). "Agile Dimensional Model for a Data Warehouse Implementation in a Software Developer Company". Research in Computing Science. 147(3). Pages 27–34
  • Simon G. Cornejo, Karina Caro, Luis-Felipe Rodriguez, Roberto Aguilar A., Cynthia B. Perez, Luis A. Castro. (2018). "Design and Implementation of a Data Warehouse to Support Decision-Making in a Health Environment". Research in Computing Science. 147(3). Pages 45–53
  • 2017

  • Santana-Mancilla, PC., Castro, LA., Tentori, M., Moreno-Rocha, MA., Rodríguez, MD., Kujala, T. (Ed.). (2017). "CHI-Mexico: Ten Years of the Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction" ACM Interactions. 24(6):86-86 · October 2017. DOI: 10.1145/3145627
  • Amado-Sanchez, VL., Islas-Cruz, OI., Ahumada-Solorza, EA., Encinas-Monroy, IA., Caro, K., Castro, LA. (2017). "BeeSmart: A Gesture-based Videogame to Support Literacy and Eye-hand Coordination of Children with Down Syndrome". Games and Learning Alliance conference (GALA 2017). Dec 5-7, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Macías, A., Caro, K., Castro LA., Sierra, V., Ahumada, EA., Encinas, IA. (2017). "Exergames in Individuals with Down Syndrome: A Performance Comparison between Children and Adolescents" 3rd EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good. Nov 29-30, 2017, Pisa, Italy
  • Rodriguez, LF., Gonzalez-Padilla, O., Castro, LA. (2017). "Towards Interactive Cognitive Agents with Culturally Restricted Behaviors". International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017). Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2017. Madeira, Portugal
  • Maya-Zapata, D., Felix, IR., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF., Domitsu, M. (2017). "Couplable Components for Data Processing in Mobile Sensing Campaigns". 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI 2017). Nov 7-10, 2017. Philadelphia, USA
  • Castro, LA., Tapia, A., Perez, CB., Beltrán-Márquez, J. (2017). "Towards Human-Centric Interfaces for Decision Making Support in Geriatric Centers". 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAMI 2017). Nov 7-10, 2017. Philadelphia, USA
  • Hermosillo, M., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF. (2017) "Implementación de un sistema de almacén de datos para preservación de datos de origen climático". ICCNA 2017 (Grad. Colloquium), Mexicali, Mexico. Oct 7-9, 2017
  • Lopez-Chavez, O., Rodriguez, LF., Castro, LA., Salazar-Lugo, G., (2017). "Authoring Tools and Virtual Environments in Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Challenges and Opportunities". 10th Workshop on Intelligent Learning Environments (WILE 2017). Oct 23-28, 2017. Ensenada, Mexico
  • Cornejo, SG., Caro, K., Rodriguez, LF., Aguilar, R., Perez, CB., Castro, LA. (2017). "Design and Implementation of a Data Warehouse to Support Decision-making in a Health Environment". 3rd. International Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Industry. Oct 23-28, 2017. Ensenada, Mexico
  • Zamudio, MA., Palacio, RR., Castro, LA. (2017). "Diseño de métricas basadas en estresores laborales para desarrolladores de software". 2do congreso de Informática e Innovación Tecnológica (CIIT 2017). Oct 11-13, 2017, Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Mercado, KE., Perez, CB., Lopez-Arredondo, LP., Caro, K., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF. (2017). "Agile Dimensional Model: for a Data Warehouse Implementation in a Software Developer Company". 3rd. International Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Industry. Oct 23-28, 2017. Ensenada, Mexico
  • Castro, LA., Gutierrez, LJ., Rodriguez, LF., Ruiz, EC. "Towards Context of Quality in Mobile Sensing Campaigns" UbiComp/ISWC''17 Adjunct , September 11–15, 2017, Maui, HI, USA. DOI:
  • Hernández, N., Castro, LA., Favela, J., Michán, L., Arnrich, B. (2017). "Data Quality in Mobile Sensing Datasets for Pervasive Healthcare" in Samee U. Khan, Albert Y. Zomaya, and Assad Abbas (eds.): Handbook of Large-Scale Distributed Computing in Smart Healthcare. Springer
  • Castellanos, S., Rodriguez, LF., Castro, LA., Perez, J. (2017). "Cognitive Modulation of Appraisal Variables in the Emotion Process of Autonomous Agents" In Proc. of 16th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (IEEE ICCI*CC''17). Jul 26-28, 2017. Oxford, UK
  • Fernandez, JL., Pérez, CB., Castro, LA. (2017). "Financial Model for Pricing Decisions Support in SMEs in the Restaurant Sector in Mexico". The 16th Int''l Conf on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EE''17). July 17-20, 2017. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Gutierrez, LJ., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF., Ruiz, EC. (2017). "Behavioral Data in Internet of Things Applications: A Data Quality Assurance Platform for Research and Development" Proc. of 2nd AFI 360° Conference Track on Future Internet and Internet of Things Applications (FIOTA 2017). May 23–25, 2017. Toluca, Mexico.
  • Gutiérrez-Neyoy, JE., Rodríguez, LF., Castro, LA. (2017). "Decision Support System for a SME in the Restaurant Sector: Development of a Prototype" Proc. of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 2017. Jun 21-24, 2017. Lisbon, Portugal. Pages 2052-2057
  • Gutiérrez, A., Perez, CB., Castro, LA., Chávez, F., Fernández de Vega, F. (2017). "Narrativa Visual En Inteligencia De Negocios Para Apoyar Al Proceso De Toma De Decisiones". Proc. of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 2017. Jun 21-24, 2017. Lisbon, Portugal. Pages 137-140
  • Tapia, A., Castro, LA., Perez, CB., Beltran-Marquez, J. (2017). "Hacia La Construcción De Una Herramienta De Visualización De Datos En Centros Geriátricos". Proc. of the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 2017. Jun 21-24, 2017. Lisbon, Portugal. Pages 1861-1864
  • 2016

  • Ordorica, A., Rodríguez, MD., Castro, LA., Beltran, J. (2016). "Support Vector Machines for Inferring Distracted Behavior of Drivers Wearing Smart Glasses" in García C., Caballero-Gil P., Burmester M., Quesada-Arencibia A. (eds.): Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. UCAmI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10069. Springer, Cham. pp 201-206. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48799-1_28
  • Felix, IR., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF., Ruiz, EC. (2016). "Component-based Model for On-device Pre-processing in Mobile Phone Sensing Campaigns" in García C., Caballero-Gil P., Burmester M., Quesada-Arencibia A. (eds.): Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. UCAmI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10069. Springer, Cham. pp 201-206. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48746-5_20
  • Fernandez, JL., Gutierrez, JE., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF. (2016) "Integrating Business Analytics into SMEs in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities. Avances en Interacción Humano-Computadora, Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 41-45, sep. 2016.
  • Fontes, J., Castro, LA. (2016). "Towards the design of trouble-free smartphones for middle-aged adults in Mexico". Proc. of the 6th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (MexIHC''16). Colima, Mexico. 21-23 Sep, 2016. ACM Press. Pages 9-15. doi: 10.1145/2967175.2967386
  • Robles, JH., Encinas, CR., Zarate, J., Cortez, J., Beltran-Marquez, J., Castro, LA. (2016) "Uso de Red Neuronal para Estimación del Estrés en Personas Jóvenes en Actividades Sedentarias" en Caro, K., Figueroa, K. (eds.): Tecnologías Emergentes y Avances de la Computación en México. Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. ISBN: 978-607-9424-94-7
  • Rodriguez, MD., Ordorica, A., Ramirez, JM., Castro, LA., Beltran, J., Andrade, AG. (2016) "SVM to Infer Drivers Distracted Behavior: a Feasibility Experiment" en Caro, K., Figueroa, K. (eds.): Tecnologías Emergentes y Avances de la Computación en México. Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. ISBN: 978-607-9424-94-7
  • Mass-Sanchez, J., Ruiz-Ibarra, E., Cortez-Gonzalez, J., Espinoza-Ruiz, A., Castro, LA. (2016). "Weighted Hyperbolic DV-Hop Positioning Node Localization Algorithm in WSNs". Wireless Personal Communications. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3727-5
  • Favela, J., Castro, LA., Michan, L. (2016). "Towards a Federated Repository of Mobile Sensing Datasets for Pervasive Healthcare". Proc. 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Healtcare 2016). Cancun, Mexico. May 16 - 19, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-63190-051-8
  • Castro, LA., Beltran-Marquez, J., Favela, J., Chavez, E., Perez, M., Rodriguez, MD., Navarro, R., Quintana, E., (2016). "Collaborative Opportunistic Sensing of Human Behavior with Mobile Phones" in Eshaghian-Wilner, M. (eds.): Wireless Computing in Medicine: From Nano to Cloud with Ethical and Legal Implications. John Wiley & Sons
  • 2015

  • Félix, IR., Castro, LA., Rodríguez, LF., Ruiz, EC. (2015). "Mobile Phone Sensing: Current Trends and Challenges". In: García-Chamizo J., Fortino G., Ochoa S. (eds.): Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Sensing, Processing, and Using Environmental Information. LNCS, vol 9454. Springer, Cham. (Pages 369-374). DOI:
  • Núñez-Márquez, I., Rodríguez, LF., Salazar, G., Castro, LA., Domitsu-Kono, M. (2015). "A Framework for Automatic Identification of Learning Styles in Learning Management Systems" 8th Workshop on Intelligent Learning Environments (WILE 2015), Cuernavaca, Mexico
  • Parra M., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF., Domitsu, M., Macias,A., Acosta, C., Rodriguez, M., (2015) "Studying Behavioral Changes in Patients with Clinical Depression via Mobile Phone Sensing" Taller Computación Clínica e Informática Médica en Encuentro Nacional de Computacion 2015, Ensenada, Baja California
  • Mass, J., Ruiz, EC., Castro, LA., Espinoza, A., Cortez, J., (2015) "Performance Evaluation of Multi-hop Localization Algorithms in WSNs with Randomly Distributed Nodes" Workshop on Network Systems and Protocols en Encuentro Nacional de Computacion 2015, Ensenada, Baja California
  • Favela, J., Castro, LA., (2015) "Technology and Aging" in García-Peña, C. et al. (eds.): Aging Research - Methodological Issues. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp 121-135 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18323-7_11
  • Castro, LA., Rodríguez, LF., Macías, A., Domitsu, A., Rodríguez, M., (2015). "Coordinated Attention and Resuscitation in Code Blue Events through the CARES System: A Preliminary Evaluation" Reseach in Computing Science. Vol 89, Pages 81-88
  • Castro, LA., Favela, J., Quintana, E., Perez, M. (2015) "Behavioral data gathering for assessing functional status and health in older adults using mobile phones" Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 379-391
  • Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM (2015) "Métodos Cualitativos para la Evaluación de Sistemas Interactivos" En J. Muñoz Arteaga, J. M. González Calleros, & A. Sánchez Huitrón, La Interacción Humano-Computadora en Mexico (Pages 157-175). Naucalpan de Juárez: Pearson. ISBN: 978-607-32-2720-9
  • 2014

  • Martinez, F., Gonzalez-Gurrola, LC., Castro, LA. (2014) "PChCT: A tool to monitor child whereabouts" 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2014), Dec 2-5, 2014, Belfast, Ireland
  • Castro, LA., Favela, J., Garcia-Peña, C., (2014) "Effects of Communication Media Choice on the Quality and Efficacy of Emergency Calls assisted by a Mobile Nursing Protocol Tool" CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 32(11):550-558
  • Palacio, RR., Martinez, JR., Cortez, J., Castro, LA., Moran, AL. (2014) "Start-Smart as a Support for Starting Interaction in Distributed Software Development" CRIWG 2014: Collaboration and Technology, p.271-278
  • Castro, LA., Favela, J., Beltran, J., Chavez, E., Perez, M., Rodriguez, M., Quintana, E., Navarro, R. (2014). "Collaborative Opportunistic Sensing with Mobile Phones" In adjunct proc. of ACM Ubicomp 2014, Seattle, WA, USA, Sep, 2014
  • Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM., (2014) “Transnational Imagination and Social Practices: A Transnational Web Site in a Migrant Community” Human-Computer Interaction. ISSN: 0737-0024. Vol. 29, No. 1, Pages 22-52
  • 2013

  • Cruz, LC., Macias, A., Domitsu, M., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF. (2013). "Risky Driving Detection through Urban Mobility Traces: A Preliminary Approach" G. Urzaiz et al. (Eds.): UCAmI 2013, LNCS 8276, Pages 382--385. Springer International Publishing Switzerland
  • Tarqui, G., Castro, LA., Favela, J. (2013). "Reducing Drivers'' Distractions in Phone-Based Navigation Assistants Using Landmarks" in G. Urzaiz et al. (Eds.): UCAmI 2013, LNCS 8276, Pages 342--349. Springer International Publishing Switzerland
  • Martinez-Velazquez, R., Perez, M., Rodriguez, MD., Castro, LA., Favela, J., (2013). “Implementando una arquitectura de componentes para la plataforma de sensado participativo InCense”. Research in Computing Science, 64, Septiembre 2013, pp 163-170. ISSN: 1870-4069
  • Favela, J., Cornejo, R., Velázquez, AR., Martinez-Garcia, AI., Castro, LA., Tentori, M., (2013) “Nuevas tecnologías de información en apoyo a un envejecimiento activo y saludable”, en Colección Medicina de Excelencia: Envejecimiento saludable y productivo. García-Peña, C., Sanchez-Garcia, S., Juarez-Cedillo, T., Granados-García, V. (eds), Pages 283-306., Academica Mexicana de Cirugia, AC: Mexico, DF. ISBN: 978-607-95935-3-7
  • Cruz, LC., Domitsu, M., Macias, A., Castro, LA., Rodriguez, LF., (2013). “Toward Automated Detection of Risky Driving Behavior Patterns in Urban Environments”. Research in Computing Science, 64, Septiembre 2013, Pages 41-48. ISSN: 1870-4069
  • Castro, LA., and Favela, J., (2013) "Cómputo consciente del comportamiento: La tercera ola del cómputo ubicuo". Komputer Sapiens. ISSN: 2007-0691. Enero-Junio, 2013. 5(1):9-13
  • Favela J., Castro LA., Franco-Marina F., Sánchez-García S., Juárez-Cedillo T., Espinel Bermudez C., Mora-Altamirano J., Rodriguez MD., García-Peña C. (2013) “Nurse home visits with or without alert buttons versus usual care in the frail elderly: a randomized controlled trial” Clinical Interventions in Aging. ISSN: 1178-1998. Vol. 8, Pages 85-95.
  • 2012

  • Castro, LA., and Gonzalez, VM., (2012) "Afterlife Presence on Facebook: a Preliminary Examination of Wall Posts on the Deceased’s Profiles". on 22nd International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Computers 2012 (CONIELECOMP 2012), Cholula, Puebla, México, Feb 27-29, 2012, Pages 355-360
  • Cardenas, C., Castro L., Gonzalez, S., del-Río, M., Calvillo, E., Lemaitre, C., Daniel, L., Iriberri, A. (2012) “CONCORDIA: Designing a Web-based Platform for Supporting the Management and Resolution of Territorial Conflicts,” Research in Computing Science. ISSN: 1870-4069. Vol. 57, Pages 31-38.
  • Rodriguez MD., Martínez R., Perez, M., Castro, LA., Favela, J. (2012). “Using ontologies to reduce user intervention to deploy sensing campaigns with the InCense toolkit.” 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Instrumentation (UBIMI) held at ACM Ubicomp 2012, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sep 8, 2012
  • 2011

  • Castro, LA., Favela, J., Perez, M., Garcia-Pena, C. (2011) "Opportunistic Sensing for Behavioral Inferences in elder Care," IEEE Pervasive Computing, ISSN: 1536-1268. Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2011
  • Perez, M., Castro, LA., Favela, J. (2011). “InCense: A Research Kit to Facilitate Behavioral Data Gathering from Populations of Mobile Phone Users”. 5th International Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Inteligence (UCAmI 2011). Riviera Maya (México), December 5-9, 2011 (Accepted)
  • Castro, LA., Favela, J., Garcia-Pena, C. (2011). “Naturalistic Enactment to Stimulate User Experience for the Evaluation of a Mobile Elderly Care Application”. Mobile HCI 2011, Aug 30–Sep 2, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM. (2011) “Reconfiguration of Migrants’ Social Networks through Ethnic Websites”. Workshop Transnational HCI: Humans, Computers and Interactions in Transnational Context held at CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada, May 8, 2011
  • 2010

  • Castro, LA., Favela, J., Garcia-Pena, C., Mora, J. (2010). “In-situ Evaluation of a Telephone Triage Mobile Application for In-home Elderly Care”. 3rd Human-Computer Interaction (MexIHC 2010), organized by the Mexican ACM SIGCHI, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Nov 8-10, 2010
  • Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM. (2010) “Opportunities for Cross-border Social Interactions in Migrant Communities”. Workshop Transnational Times: Locality, Globality and Mobility in Technology Design and Use held at UbiComp 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep 26, 2010
  • 2009

  • Gonzalez, VM., Kraemer KL., Castro, LA. (2009) "Beyond Safety Concerns: On the Practical Applications of Urban Neighbourhood Video Cameras". Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City. Foth, M. (Ed). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Pages 131-143. ISBN: 978-1-60566-152-0
  • Gonzalez, VM., Castro, LA., and Rodriguez MD. (2009) "Technology and Connections: Mexican Immigrants in the U.S." IEEE Technology & Society Magazine. ISSN: 0278-0097. Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer 2009.
  • Castro, LA., and Gonzalez, VM., (2009) "Hometown Websites: Continuous Maintenance of Cross-Border Connections". Communities and Technologies 2009, Penn State University, PA, USA, June 25-27, 2009, Pages 145-154
  • 2008

  • Castro, LA., and Favela, J., (2008) "Reducing the Uncertainty on Location Estimation of Mobile Users to Support Hospital Work". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics--Part C: Applications and Reviews. ISSN: 1094-6977. Vol 38, No. 6, Pages 861-866.
  • Castro, LA., and Gonzalez, VM., (2008) "Being Part of the Life of One’s Hometown: Strategies to Support Community Connectedness". Psychnology Journal, ISSN: 1720-7525. Vol. 6, No. 1, Pages 61-82
  • Castro, LA., and Gonzalez, VM., (2008) "Toward an Understanding of Community Connectedness: the role of ICTs". IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society, ISTAS 2008, Fredericton, Canada, June 26-28
  • 2007

  • Gonzalez, VM., Kraemer. KL., Castro. LA., and Venkatesh, A. (2007): "The Tech-Enabled Neighborhood: Findings from an experience in Tecámac, Mexico" in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 241, Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for the Next Billion, eds. Venkatesh. A., Gonsalves, T., Monk, A., Buckner, K., (Boston: Springer), Pages 49–63. ISBN: 978-0387736969
  • Gonzalez, VM., Castro, LA., Kraemer, KL. (2007) “Habitat Computing: Towards the Creation of Tech-Enabled Mexican Neighborhoods”, in Online Commmunities and Social Computing: HCII 2007, D. Schuler (Ed.), LNCS 4564, pp 342-351, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heilderberg. ISBN: 978-3-540-73256-3. ISSN: 0302-9743
  • Mejia, M., Moran, L., Favela, J. and Tentori, M., Markarian, A., Castro, LA., (2007) "On the Move Collaborative Environments: Augmenting Face to Face Informal Collaboration in Hospitals". E-Service Journal, ISSN: 1528-8234. Vol. 6, No. 1, Pages 98-124
  • Gonzalez, VM., Castro, LA., (2007) "Keeping Strong Connections to the Homeland via Web-based Tools: The Case of Mexican Migrant Communities in the United States". The Journal of Community Informatics, ISSN: 1712-4441, Vol. 3, No. 3
  • Favela, J., Tentori, M., Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM., Moran, EB., Martínez-García, AI. (2007) “Activity Recognition for Context-Aware Hospital Applications: Issues and Opportunities for the Deployment of Pervasive Networks”. Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), ISSN: 1572-8153 . Springer Netherlands, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, Pages 155 - 171
  • Gonzalez, VM., Castro LA., and Kraemer K. (2007). “Domesticating Neighborhood Video Cameras: From Safety Concerns to Showing Off With Friends". Family and Communication Technologies (FACT) Workshop. Northumbria University, United Kingdom. May 24, 2007.
  • Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM. (2007) “Binding a Scattered Community in Rural Mexico with a Web-based System”, Proc. of de IADIS International Conference Web-Based Communities 2007, Salamanca, Spain, Feb 18-20, Pages 35-42
  • 2006

  • Markarian, A., Favela, J., Tentori, M., Castro, LA. (2006) “Seamless Interaction among Heterogeneous Devices in Support for Co-located Collaboration”. In Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use. LNCS 4154. Dimitriadis, YA., et al. (Eds.) Springer. 389-404 Pages ISBN 3-540-29110-5. ISSN 0302-9743.
  • Gonzalez, VM., Rodriguez MD., Santana, PC., Favela, J., Castro, LA. (2006) "Supporting Relationship Maintenance for Elders and Family Living Abroad," IEEE Pervasive Computing, ISSN: 1536-1268. Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 47, Apr-Jun, 2006
  • Favela, J., Tentori, M., Castro, LA., Gonzalez, VM., Moran, E., and Martinez, AI. (2006) “Estimating Hospital Work Activities in Context-Aware Healthcare Applications”, 1st Conference in Pervasive Healthcare, Salzburg, Austria (Best Paper Award)
  • Favela, J., Tentori, M., Markarian, A., Castro, LA., Amaya, I. (2006) "Integrating Heterogeneous Devices in Support of Local Mobility". 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2006), HCI for Mobile devices Mini-track, Acapulco, México, Aug 4-6.
  • 2005

  • Castro, LA., Favela, J. (2005) "Continuous Tracking of User Location in WLANs Using Recurrent Neural Networks". Proc of 6th Mexican International Conference in Computer Science, ENC 2005, IEEE Computer, Puebla, Mexico.
  • Santana, PC., Rodriguez MD., Gonzalez, VM., Castro, LA., Andrade, AG., Favela, J. (2005) "A Web-Based System to Facilitate Elders Communication With Their Families Living Abroad". Proc of 6th Mexican International Conf in Computer Science, ENC 2005, IEEE Computer, Puebla, Mexico.
  • Santana, PC., Rodriguez MD., Gonzalez, VM., Castro, LA., Andrade, AG. (2005) "Supporting emotional ties among Mexican elders and their families living abroad". In the extended abstracts of CHI 2005, Portland, OR, USA, April 2-7, 2005
  • Santana, PC., Castro, LA., Preciado, A., Gonzalez, VM., Rodriguez MD., Favela, J. (2005) "Preliminary Evaluation of Ubicomp in Real Working Scenarios". Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I), Jan 9, San Diego, CA, USA, January, 2005